Wrath of the Titans
As I was watching Wrath of the Titans, I felt eternal wrath at having wasted the money. It felt exactly the same as Clash of the Titans, had exactly the same beats and plot, and worst of all, the same weak last king to fight.
In Clash, they built up the Kraken to be this huge, hideous monster capable of total destruction, and he appeared for less than 5 minutes and was killed with a single Medusa stare.
In Wrath, they built up Kronos (father of Zeus, Poseidon and Hades) to be this huge, hideous monster capable of total destruction, and he appeared for less than 5 minutes and was killed with a single arrow to the knee, or something.
If you’ve seen Clash, you’ve seen Wrath.
They even replaced red hot Alexa Davalos with Rosamund Pike for the role of Andromeda.

Not anymore, it isn’t! I am Andromedaahahaha!
This, for that? Give me my fuckin money back!
Rating: 4/10
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