
like, what is legit anymore?

Do birds fart?


Sometimes, when I lay awake at night, unable to sleep, I start pondering over Life’s great mysteries.

Tonight, I asked myself… do birds fart?

I got lucky on 2 counts. First, someone actually thought of that too, and went one further in doing research on it. Second, the internet.

Seriously, how did anyone get any knowledge on such esoteric topics before the internet?

The short answer is No. Birds don’t carry the same gas-forming bacteria in their stomach as humans and mammals do to help digest food, so there’s nothing to let out.

There you go. One more weird factoid to charm the ladies.

image from copyranter

Soon, we will start to download knowledge


Researchers have managed to create a neural link between the brains of 2 rats, allowing spontaneous transfer of knowledge between the 2 rats, even as they’re continents apart!

Here’s how the experiment went:

An “encoder” rat, in Brazil, was trained to do a specific behavioral task – push a lever in a cage, and earn a reward. A brain implant in this rat records the activity from the rat’s motor cortex, and transfers the signals via neural links to a second implanted rat, also known as the “decoder” rat. 

Now, this second rat was located in North Carolina, and had never been exposed to the lever pushing test. Despite that, once the second rat’s motor cortex processed the information from the neural link, the rat somehow accessed that information, and knew to push the lever.

This. Is. Mindblowing. Stuff.

Quite possibly the start to a technological singularity.

fringe observers

Uh… something went wrong during the neural transplant, boss.

Read more about the brain-to-brain interfacing at io9.

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Augmented Reality – Car Chase Style



A man was watching a police car chase live on his TV, and decided to film it from his TV screen. Then shit got a lot more real.


What are the odds? Some have come forward to say it was a fake.. but even if it was, its still pretty cool nonetheless.

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Breaking the Sound Barrier





On 14th October 2012, Felix Baumgartner became the first man to free fall from a height of 39km (categorized as the stratosphere). As a benchmark of how high this really was, commercial airlines typically cruise at between 9 – 12 km above ground.

His free fall lasted 4 minutes 19 seconds. During his free fall, he also broke the sound barrier, becoming the first man to do so without any vehicular assistance. He gained speeds of up to 1,342km/hr. The speed of sound is 1,236km/hr.

These claims have yet to be officially confirmed, but its exciting nonetheless.

Watch the video highlights:

Find out more about the Red Bull Stratos Project here.


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Eagle hunts crocodile (Holy Shit!)

eagle catches crocodile

You may have caught me. But good luck biting through me, bitch!
Photo credit: Mark Sheridan-Johnson

Safari guide Mark Sheridan-Johnson caught this amazing shot of an Eagle punching way above its weight, catching a baby Nile Croc.

Sometimes, in life, you just have to go for it.

This eagle must have grown up with parents saying:

“as long as you put your mind to it, my boy…”

Source: Telegraph

How much is that cuddle?


Sometimes, when you feel down and alone, all you really want is to be able to cuddle with a loved one. Afterall, cuddling releases Oxytocin, and increases overall happiness, reduces stress and blood pressure.

Hmmm… if only there was a way to monetize it.

Well, of course there is.

Courtesy of Japan, welcome to Cuddle Cafe. Soineya opened its doors 25 Sept, offering professional cuddles at a price.

The menu comes with items such as “sleeping in a girl’s arms”, “sleeping with head on girl’s laps” and “staring into each other’s eyes”.

Prices start at 3000 yen for 20 minutes.

Wouldn’t exactly be surprised if the girl were to ask

“would you like some used panties with that?”

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What if LOST was a 1987 Point and Click game?


This. Is. Awesome.


Hurley Bird

Somebody should totally make this game a reality, and i’ll buy it for sure.

For more awesome screens, go to Penney Design.

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HD Moon


Tonight’s moon is extra round with extra pixels. I think its the blu-ray version.

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