Ah lian vs Auntie Saga
Auntie’s got her wish. Its been published.
But she’s not painted out to be the victim she thinks she is.
News from Yahoo!.
Auntie’s got her wish. Its been published.
But she’s not painted out to be the victim she thinks she is.
News from Yahoo!.
ooooh.. mmm... you smell like a sexy little brand new ipad
You probably have a macbook air at home, an iphone 4S in your pocket, and the new ipad in that stylish little tote of yours. But… there’s still something missing in that whole look right there.
Oh yes, how bout a fragrance to top it off? Something called… Apple, Unboxed, perhaps?
Yeap, some apple fanboys have apparently taken things too far, and have commissioned 3 artists to recreate the aroma of an apple unboxing. Its currently not being planned for mass production, as it will only be used in an art show.
But you never know… with enough demand, comes the damned supply.
Here’s how it was done.
The process of creating this signature fragrance started with an initial meeting with our client to understand the concept and desired effect of the fragrance. Once this was established, the ingredients for the fragrance had to be sourced. The scent requested by our client was quite unusual so we contacted our fragrance suppliers in the South of France to send over samples of fragrances with the aroma of glue, plastic, rubber and paper. Air Aroma fragrance designers then used these samples as ingredients to create a range of signature blend fragrances. The blends, each with unique recipes were then tested in the Air Aroma laboratory until a final fragrance was ultimately selected.
To replicate the smell a brand new unopened Apple was sent to our fragrance lab in France. From there, professional perfume makers used the scents they observed unboxing the new Apple computer to source fragrance samples. On completion the laptop was sent back to Australia, travelling nearly 50,000kms and returned to our clients together with scent of an Apple Macbook Pro.
You know that Ridiculously Photogenic Guy is a thing when Chandler decides to dance on it.
Also, just so you know that his full name is Chandler.. Bing.
Gif credit: Chandler dances on things
Photo: King_of_Games, Flickr
By now, i’m sure you’ve all heard of the ridiculously photogenic guy. Yeap, the dude who conquers the 10k run with a winning smile. But do you guys know his name?
He is Zeddie Little. Apparently, Zeddie has been trying to break into the PR industry. Guess that’s not much of an issue now.
And ladies, he’s been happily attached for 5 years now. So hands off that wind-blown hair!
If you don’t know him, here’s the backstory: He was in the middle of a 10k run, when an amateur photog took this shot of him. It was posted on to Flickr, and one of the photographer’s friend commented something along the lines of “I dub him the ‘ridiculously photogenic guy'”.
It got posted onto reddit, and a new meme is born.
Here are some of the memes floating around:
And my personal favourite….
A few weeks ago, I saw these, and it totally cracked me up! So I just have to share it.
It all started with Reese without a spoon in my previous post, and then… more appeared.
Do you remember the days when you were young, and ignorant, and all you wanted to be was awesome like a super saiyan?
Well, all this kid ever wanted to be was super saiyan. And you know what they say about practice.
All you have to do, is start screaming.
Did he eventually turn? Its something you just have to see for yourself.
Now, that wasn’t so hard, was it?
Remember, all you need to be a super saiyan.. is to believe.
Even the Fuhrer believes….
picture source: damnyouautocorrect.com
Usually, an auto-correct fail results in a little embarrassment, some misunderstanding and huge doses of laughter.
Not this one.
An auto-correct fail sent to a wrong number in Georgia resulted in a lockdown at a Georgia high school. The message sent was “Gunman be at West Hall today”, when it was meant to be “Gunna be at West Hall today”.
The wrong number added to the confusion, and the student who received the message promptly reported it to the authorities.
This must have been the most expensive auto-correct fail, ever.
Source: Gainsvilletimes
Do you read a lot? In your daily readings, do you come across words that you have no idea how to pronounce? Do you look like this when you come across those words?
Fear not.
PronounciationManual is here to help.
Now you can pronounce #likeaboss.