
like, what is legit anymore?

When will this concept be a reality?


zoomin watch

Some concept watches are so great someone should really just effing make it already!

Like this one below.

Simple, Slick and so, so desirable.

A tiny pair of magnifying glasses runs through the hours and minutes, bringing into view and focus the current time. Why hasn’t anyone made this yet?

zoomin watch

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Obama 2012 ad spend


Seems like election years are proving to be awesome business for publishers and ad networks, judging from the amount of money the Obama camp are pumping into digital ads.

Its no secret that a large part of the 2008 election win for Obama was down to their scale of digital and social media integration, allowing for bulk of the younger generation to be passionately involved in a call to change the world. The Obama camp spent $16 million on digital during the 2008 campaign trail, and if the numbers on Clickz are to be trusted, they seem to be cruising to the $35 million mark this year.


Compare that number with John McCain’s 2008 campaign, which spent about $3.6 million online.

I’ll bet Google, Yahoo and the other major players are smacking their lips in anticipation to the run-up of the elections.

Here’s a breakdown of the spends in 2008:


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Singterest? More like Lameterest


Photohunt: Spot the difference!

The digital world is full of copycats. And not all of them originate from China.

First it was Groupon spurring a stir of copycats, some of whom eventually hit paydirt by being acquired by the very company they were copying from. And now with Pinterest, it has become the next big thing to be copied. Even though its currently unprofitable and the revenue model is not very clear at the moment, copysites have nontheless emerged and are waiting to capitalize on it when the time comes.

This latest Singapore clone of Pinterest is created by Colin Boyd, and like Pinterest, he doesn’t seem to know where to take Singterest either. His initial “version of Pinterest” will be centred around Asia, but then later changed his mind and it will now be a Pinterest for Singapore only. All this change in the space of.. erm, 1 day.

Also, oddly, this tweet about, of all things, stealing.

And when you see this tweet… it just doesn’t make any sense. I wonder if this twitter account was actually handled by a certified schizo.

Erm.... OKAY....

Well, I’m not one to judge… besides, I need to get cracking on my own business venture. Its an image board site i’m going to call vinteresting. Its going to be awesome!

And speaking of awesome, did I tell you about my new plan for a mobile gaming app? Its gonna be called… Draw Singthing! A Draw Something for Singaporeans! Mmmm… I can smell the acquisition offers pouring in already.

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Not sure who’s to blame, but it sure is a great story


yeah... do you like that?

A girl, born into a traditional family who favours boys, gets her attention online by stripping and uploading pornographic videos of herself. Her brother, whilst searching for porn, finds her videos, and promptly tells their parents.

Their parents then promptly turn her in for counselling.

I think the parents probably could do with some counselling too.

Not sure who’s to blame in all of this, but i’m sure there’s a kdrama in there waiting to be written.

Source: Insing – Singaporean girl becomes online stripper

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Why I left blah blah blah


Recently, there’s been a trend of people quitting their jobs, and then turning around to write about it like an unhinged, jilted lover.

Greg Smith wrote a stinger on why he left Goldman Sachs, because its all about the money now. Really? I’ve never, ever known anyone personally who went into the banking and finance sector to achieve nirvana and really help people make wise choices about their financial future.

Everyone in the financial sector are in it for the money, and if it took you 12 years to realise that… well, all the best in your future endeavors!


Then there’s an ex Microsoft employee James Whittaker who joined Google, then quit Google after 3 years, because now Google is all about making revenue via advertising, and have lost their spirit of innovation. (FYI, Google has been about that since day 1. So is Yahoo, Naver, Baidu and all other major search engines including oh, Bing.)

And after the tirade of lack of innovation, guess where he ends up? Right back at Microsoft, the place where innovation goes to die. Haha!

Urgh! Killing people just isn't the same now!

And lastly, possibly the greatest villain of all time is hanging up his light sabre, and quitting The Empire.


Maybe I should write a tell-all on why I left CIMB, the bank with no annual fees and up to 1% rebate off all foreign purchases. Maybe. Some day.


Image Source: Adam Hilton

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Only for Dragonball fans


Do you remember the days when you were young, and ignorant, and all you wanted to be was awesome like a super saiyan?

Well, all this kid ever wanted to be was super saiyan. And you know what they say about practice.

All you have to do, is start screaming.

Did he eventually turn? Its something you just have to see for yourself.


Now, that wasn’t so hard, was it?

Remember, all you need to be a super saiyan.. is to believe.

Even the Fuhrer believes….


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Auto-correct fail causes school shutdown


picture source:


Usually, an auto-correct fail results in a little embarrassment, some misunderstanding and huge doses of laughter.

Not this one.

An auto-correct fail sent to a wrong number in Georgia resulted in a lockdown at a Georgia high school. The message sent was “Gunman be at West Hall today”, when it was meant to be “Gunna be at West Hall today”.

The wrong number added to the confusion, and the student who received the message promptly reported it to the authorities.

This must have been the most expensive auto-correct fail, ever.

Source: Gainsvilletimes

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The tree with clothes


I realise that when you don’t have work weighing heavy on your mind. Your whole demeanor relaxes. You find yourself having more time. Waking up earlier than when you had work, even. Birds chirp sweeter tunes, the morning coffee smells better, and you’re more inquisitive about your surroundings.

And so its with that attitude that I went about searching for lunch in the neighbourhood, and I start taking in the scenery, and look up at the dazzling sky and that magnificent tree with the levis jeans and wait, what??

Yup, there it was. Wind-strewn clothing swaying in the branches,  leering at me, as if challenging me to claim it for myself.

Undaunted and with unblinking eyes, I took out my new Samsung Galaxy Note, and snapped a photo for all to share.

Here’s a close-up

Happy Leap Year, everyone!