
like, what is legit anymore?

The fact collector



Being out in the working world for more than 10 years, it’s easy to lose focus on a lot of the things that matter, in exchange for a lot of the things that keep you focused on the corporate ladder.

Will this make me better at my work?” you ask yourself of the cooking enrichment class you’ve always thought of joining. “Nah, I’ve got that big conference to prepare for, and then countless meetings and targets to meet“, and you convince yourself to put that on the back-burner for the fourth and probably last time it will surface.

You find yourself working consistent 12-hour days, and have little room for anything else save a little holiday at the end of the year to catch your breath.

You’re great at your job, but what about everything else?

It’s important to strike a balance between career and interests, for a more sustainable and fulfilling life. And I think I’ve found it. Or one of it.

Down the rabbit hole I go

Some people collect things. Stamps, toys, wine, watches, used panties. I’ve recently started collecting too.

I’ve started collecting facts.

You see, as we grow older, it seems like our knowledge of the world is shrinking. We know a lot about our work, and probably the industry we’re in. Beyond that however, we don’t seem to be learning very much anymore. So, I’ve started fact-searching. I’ve found it to be a fun, entertaining and definitely very enriching experience. At the very least, I’ve gained some ice-breaking conversations at pubs?

I’ve collated them onto a website at There’s also a twitter account set up. So if you’re into learning new and fun facts, why not getfactedup?

Below are some interesting facts I’ve found.

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Haze in Singapore from NASA satelites


This is how the haze looks like from NASA satelites.

So messed up, but so beautiful.

But seriously, more steps has got to be taken by governments worldwide to stop this types of abuse to our planet. Earth, for the foreseeable future, will be our only home. So let’s not destroy our own homes.

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No kids were harmed in the making of this art


Jill Greenberg, an artist and photographer known for her portraits. She did a series of photographs with toddlers in 2006 which resulted in some level of controversy.

Titled End Times, it featured a number of close ups on toddlers’ faces registering distress and tears. It reflected Jill’s frustrations with the Bush administration and christian fundamentalism.

Getting the toddlers to cry was achieved by giving them candy, then quickly taking it away.


End Times

End Times

See the rest of the shots here.

Some people were concerned that this amounted to child abuse.

Come on. Kids cry all the time. And losing a candy (which was later returned) is unlikely to scar them for life.

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Men of Game of Thrones


Since I posted Ladies of Game of Thrones, I’ve got some (yeah, 2 counts as some) requests to feature the men of Game of Thrones.

So here they are:

Jason Momoa as Khal Drogo

First up is Jason Momoa, but you know him better as Khal Drogo. Husband and protector, Sun and Stars to Daenerys Targaryen. The scar above his left eye was sustained in a fight in 2008, that had him requiring 10 stitches during reconstructive surgery, and becoming a meaner, more awesome Khal Drogo.

Harry Lloyd as Viserys Targaryen

Harry Lloyd

Viserys Oh-I-Just-Can’t-Wait-To-Be-King Targaryen. The man in the golden crown, I think his white/super pale blonde hair doesn’t suit him at all. Look at him, all souped up in black. Much nicer right?

Richard Madden as Robb Stark

Richard Madden

Oh Robb. The hopeless romantic who chose love over alliance. See where that got you.

Nikolaj Coster-Waldau as Jaime Lannister

Nikolaj Coster-Waldau

The Kingslayer, they called him. But with those steely eyes, I’ll bet he’s (s)lain many damsels too. Nikolaj Coster-Waldau. Even saying his name out loud makes you a little bit more horny. Damn. And I’m a married man!

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3D printing is the future?


It seems like 3D printing is going to be the future, and a pretty near future.

Local firm Pirate 3D Inc has launched a


campaign to bring 3D printing to the masses, and with 17 days to go, have already far, far exceeded their goal of $100,000 to receive funding of $850,000 and counting.

If you want to own a piece of 3D printing tech, just pledge $397 or more to get 1 unit of The Bucaneer and a cartridge of print material.

If I were to get one, I’m gonna print me some dragons and take over Westeros!

game of thrones dragons

Need a light?

Hey, if we can 3D print a house, why not dragons?

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Ladies of Game of Thrones


I remember watching Season 1 Episode 1 like it was yesterday, and it seemed that the sight of boobs and potential for dragons was going to be the show’s hook.

But as we devoured episode after episode, it was clear that the story had developed into an intriguing realm of politicking far beyond any show I’ve seen.

Of course, boobs and dragons still count in the allure factor.

So as we bid adieu to season 3, here are some of the ladies of Game of Thrones, outside of their characters.

Lena Heady as Cersei Lannister

lena headey

I started GoT absolutely hating her character, but grew to understand Cersei through seasons 2 and 3. I seriously wouldn’t know what to do if Joffrey was my boy.

Sophie Turner as Sansa Stark

Sophie Turner

Poor Sansa, over each season, her plight seems to devolve deeper and deeper into chaos as she watches helplessly. Her naivety, whilst irritating, is also probably what’s keeping her somewhat sane these days. Her helpless, clueness nature is also probably helped by Sophie Turner’s first role in front of the camera!

After filming Season 1, Sophie adopted her direwolf, Lady, for real. The wolf’s (Its really a dog) name is Zunni.

Natalie Dormer as Margaery Tyrell

Natalie Dormer

Lady Tyrell has potentially maneuvered herself into a position of power by marrying Joffrey, thereby ensuring her son will be future king. An interesting chess move. But the question is, will A Song of Ice and Fire span that generation?

Rose Leslie as Ygritte

Rose Leslie

Oh you hot, lispy Wildling…

Oona Chaplin as Talisa Maegyr

Oona Chaplin

Queen of the North. She’s the one who moved Robb Stark’s heart, and made him break a vow of marriage to one of Walder Frey’s daughters.

Trivia: Oona Chaplin is the grand-daughter of Charlie Chaplin.

Emilia Clarke as Daenerys Targaryen

Emilia Clarke

The anchor of the show, and breaker of my heart. People know her by many different names

Daenerys Stormborn, Khaleesi, the Unburnt, Mother of Dragons.

Note to self: If I ever have a daughter, Daenerys would be a very strong case for a name (pending the conclusion of A song of ice and fire)

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USA Part II – The Conan that wasn’t, and other adventures in LA


As we bid adieu to San Francisco, it was time to head to the City of Angels, Los Angeles.

With only 3 full days available, we decided to rent a car to save time on public transport, and keep our core itinerary to a very distilled 3:

  • Warner Brothers Studios Tour
  • Disneyland
  • Universal Studios

If we had time, we’ll include side attractions such as the Hollywood Walk of Fame, Santa Monica Boulevard etc. Turned out, time was on our side.

Hollywood Boulevard

Hollywood Boulevard

This is where Jimmy Kimmel tapes his shows, right along Hollywood Boulevard. Where’s Guillermo? Coincidentally, Matt Damon’s (with whom Kimmel’s had a long-standing “feud”) Star was right opposite of Kimmel’s studio.

Harry Potter Walk of Fame

Star Wars Walk of Fame

Hollywood Boulevard

To the extreme left is the Chinese Theatre, where Happy Hogan was injured in a blast in Iron Man 3. Cool huh!

Superheroes Hollywood Boulevard

It was a slow crime day..


Aahhh.. Disneyland, a place where adults and children alike fight for rides.

Disneyland Tickets


Aladdin Disneyland

We were literally the only adults in THAT queue

Storm Trooper Disneyland

Who’s more badass?

Its a small world Disneyland

Nicely done, photobomber!

Of course, one of the main events would be the daily Disneyland Parade along Main Street, which happens every evening, where many Disney characters come together in a song and dance float parade!

Disneyland Parade

Disneyland Parade

Warner Bros Studio Tour

When we were selecting our hotel in LA, we sort of knew that our highlights would be Warner Bros, Universal and Disney. With that in mind, we went about searching for a hotel that would be near one of these spots.

Finally, we settled on Tangerine Hotel in Burbank, literally a 10 minute walk to Warner Brothers Studio. The hotel also had a Subway across the street, as well as awesome mexican food.

The hotel staff were also great, and though a pretty small hotel, they had free wi-fi, a small pool, and free parking. It was cosy and awesome. So a shoutout to Tangerine, and if any of you are looking to staying in Burbank, it’s a damn fine choice!


We called ourselves “the Boons” way before WB did.

WB Studio Tour

Filming in progress. Looks like shit just hit the fan! And we found the culprit below! Check out the identical cars, pre and post accident.

WB Studio Tour

WB Studio Tours

As we went along various sites of the Studio lots, we were introduced to a lot of facade buildings. You could only film from the outside, and they are made of plywood, or something.

Warner Bros VIP Tour

He’s the hero Gotham deserves, but this is the car I need right now

Last but not least, one of the most loved TV shows in the history of television!

WB Studio Tour

WB Studio Tour

Can we BE more touristy?

The set of Central Perk!

Now, here we come to the part where I explain the title of this post. Right at the end of the WB Studio Tour, our very friendly guide asked if we were keen to be a part of the Conan audience that night. He had some standby tickets to give out, and he said chances were pretty good that we could get on.

We weren’t diehard Conan fans (or even casual fans to be honest), so we wanted to know who the guests were.

He said five words, two of which blew my mind:

JJ Abrams and Jesse Eisenberg

Holy shit JJ Abrams! I didn’t mind Eisenberg either! So we snatched the tickets and proceeded to pee my pants in excitement.

But as you can guess from the title, when we turned up at the allocated time at the allocated place, this lady said that all the seats have been taken up.

Man, I was sadder than Sad Keanu.

Universal Studios Hollywood

Brushing off the disappointment, we drove on to our next destination.

Universal Studios

Universal Studios Hollywood

Universal Studios HollywoodUniversal Studios Hollywood

We first went on the Universal Studios Studio Tour. The Tour (video hosted by Jimmy Fallon) brought us around the studio lot, and showed us some of the sets including Bates Motel below, as well as the actual plane crash set from War of the Worlds.

The tour also included many interactive elements where we were shown rain simulation, flood simulation, earthquake in a train station platform, as well as in immersive 360 King Kong experience. It really was one of the more interesting aspects at Universal.

Universal Studios Hollywood

Bates Motel

Universal Studios Hollywood

Set of War of the Worlds

Then, all of a sudden, as if everyone knew who we were, we had bunches of very strange people come take pictures with us.

SpongeBob Universal

Beetlejuice Universal

Maybe its time for a gritty and realistic reboot!



Scooby Doo

Shaggy’s expression is spot on

Curious George

What’s he curious about?



It’s Aliiiiiveeee!

See what I mean?

Oh, a quick tip. If you’re looking to have a good time, shell out a bit more for the “front of line” passes. Really saves a lot of time and energy from queuing!

Santa Monica Pier

Last but not least, we snuck some time out to visit Santa Monica Pier!

Santa Monica Pier Santa Monica Pier

Santa Monica Pier - Pacific Park

What a perfect and scenic way to end the LA leg of the tour!

Watch out for the Epic Finale to the USA Triplogy – Las Vegas.

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USA Part I – Let’s go! To San Francisco!


This will be a post filled with pictures, and will be part I of III of the recent US trip I took with the wife.

I’ve divided them into the different states we went to: San Francisco, Los Angeles and Vegas.

First Stop: San Francisco!

San Francisco’s known for its rolling hills, cool weather, golden gate bridge and of course, Alcatraz. But for me, it’s also where Google and Facebook are headquartered. So these are all the must-sees!

Bay Bridge, San Francisco

This is the lesser known cousin to the Golden Gate Bridge, simply called Bay Bridge. Still magnificent and pretty awesome. Actually, anything’s pretty awesome as long as you’re on holiday.

World famous hotdogs

Even hotdogs.

We visited an Atas chocolate factory. We know it’s atas because it has a silent “T” in its name.

Tcho, pronounced Cho

want some tchocolate?

Pronounced Cho.

Along the way to Pier 39, the wife started stalking making friends with seagulls. The one on the right didn’t seem too pleased.


San Franseagulls

We finally made our way to Pier 39, and it seems to be our lucky day, cos the decks were filled with sealions. It is apparently the most visited location in San Francisco. We did a rough count of the sealions and there were at least 200 of them.

Pier 39

From Pier 39, we could also see the Bay Bridge, Golden Gate Bridge, as well as Alcatraz from afar. After taking so many shots of the sealions, it was time to take a break from that, and instead take a selfie!


San Francisco’s also famous for its cable cars, which has been designated as a National Historic Landmark, and is a major tourist attraction. So of course we rode it.

Cable Car SF

After seeing some of the more famous sites in the city, it was time to turn geeky. First, we headed toward 1 Hacker Way:

1 hacker way

It was private property, so taking a picture with this sign was sort of as good as we got. No sign of zucks, and and we tried to peek into the office lobby, we got no likes from the security either.

Next, we headed to the decidedly more fun GooglePlex. It was also private property, so we couldn’t get in to pee in the building toilet, but at least they placed something out in the yard for us to have fun with.

GooglePlex GooglePlex Google Glass

We even spotted a dude wearing Google Glass, and the wife had a picture taken with him. And thereafter, he promptly said “OK Glass, take a picture.” And now, this guy has a random snap of my wife. Hmmm.

We then totally blended in with the Stanford crowd. Just a couple of hip-hop majors.


The next day, we passed the Golden Gate Bridge on the way to Muir Woods.

Golden Gate Bridge

Muir woods is the same woods where Caesar made his home at the end of “Rise of the Planet of the Apes”. It was enchanting.

Muir Woods

they split the tree just by using ‘girl power’.

After admiring nature, it was time to drink some grapes! Off to Napa Valley!

Napa Valley

3 ladies and a Steve Martin knock-off

Napa Valley

practicing my photobomb

Last but not least, we had to definitely go visit Alcatraz Island. Located 2.4km off the shore of San Francisco, the prisoners could hear sounds of party floating through the waters into their dark cells.

14 attempts at escape were made from 36 prisoners. All were accounted for, except 5. They are listed as “missing and presumed drowned”. In my heart of hearts, I hope they made it.


yay, going to prison loh!


And there you have it. The gist of our San Francisco leg. This leg of the trip was made possible because of my wonderful cousin Joanna, who so kindly let us bunk in with her in Foster City.

Thank you so much!

Welcome to San Francisco

Is that really my excited face?

Check out Part II of the Triplogy, titled “The Conan that wasn’t, and other adventures in LA

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