
like, what is legit anymore?

Reddit and its awesomeness


Reddit logo

We all know about reddit and its tight community of people all over the world and walks of life, coming to discuss, create and generally, do stuff together.

As with any other platform, you can see it as a weapon. By itself, it’s just a tool. It can be used for good, and sometimes, it can be used to bad effect. Other times, you just have to sit back and go “whoa, that was cool”.

This is one such example:

Two redditors, unknown to each other, both took pictures of the same bolt of lightning from different places.

The top picture was taken by reddit user chordnine from Coors Field stadium of the Colorado Rockies.

This second picture was taken by reddit user Bobo1010 from Cherokee Station, a coal power plant.

credit: reddit user Bobo1010

credit: reddit user Bobo1010

This coincidence and finding of each other would have been awesome in itself. But reddit wasn’t done. Someone suggested that “technically, we should now be able to 3d model this lightning.”

Lo and behold, someone (reddit user cr42yr1ch) who knows a bit of 3d modelling stood up and said “challenge accepted”, and this is the result:

credit: reddit user cr42yr1ch

credit: reddit user cr42yr1ch

For more details on how he modeled it, go to his site.

Now, all that’s left is to go to the actual landing site of the lightning bolt, and see if we can find the Mjolnir.

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What’s a zig a zig ah?


Yeah, 17 years later, people are still asking the question: What’s a zig a zig ah?

For those of you not familiar with pop culture, once upon a time, there existed an all-girl pop group called The Spice Girls. For some reason, they became a thing, and when their hit single “Wannabe” hit the top of the charts, and everywhere we turned, we heard that all they really really wanted was a “zig a zig ah”, people starting asking Google what that meant.

Now, 17 years later, we’re still getting up to 9,900 searches a month on that phrase.

Very helpfully, urban dictionary defines it as “what scary spice really wants”.

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This is more of a note-to-self.

When we were young, full of hope, and didn’t know any better, we’d get asked this question by the adults:

What do you want to be, when you grow up?

We’d say things like “a fire-fighter, police, actor, singer, ballerina”. Some of the more disillusioned would say things like be a “superhero” (seriously?), and the adults would just laugh and go “awww”.

Of course, now we all know better. We grew up, our dreams died, our bills grew. And soon enough, we forgot about those childhood dreams. We took up jobs in finance, accounting, law, construction, and little by little, day by day, we die just a little bit more. Our dreams drifting further and further.

We start making secondary dreams. Like “I’m going to write a book”, “I’m going to travel the world”, but those are almost always pre-faced with one word: Someday.

  • Someday, when I save enough money, I’ll go travel the world.
  • Someday, when inspiration hits me, I’ll be able to write my book.
  • Someday, I’ll take up a course, and move one step closer to being a chef.


It gives you a plan to look forward to, but also a reason to procrastinate. And someday, before you realise it, you’d have missed that boat, too.

Turn that ‘someday’ into ‘today’. What can you do, today, to help inch you ever that closer to your dream?

Someday, I’d like to be able to sit on my balcony, write my novel, and not have to worry about paying the bills. Today, I’m thinking about building a business that will help me ultimately achieve that.

What’s your ‘someday‘, and what are you doing about it, today?

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Woman seeks Robb Stark lookalike for a good time on the Iron Throne


Oh hey guys,

If you happen to look like Robb Stark from Game of Thrones, and lives near New Orleans, it could be your lucky night(s). A girl who happens to be a huge GoT fan just got herself a replica Iron Throne, and is willing to test the sturdiness of the throne rigorously, if you know what I mean.

This is what she wants:

I am an avid fan of George R. R. Martin’s series Game of Thrones (both the books and the show). I have recently purchased a replica of the Iron Throne as seen in the television show, and need a partner to play out an elaborate fantasy.

In my fantasy, I am Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen, Mother of Dragons, and Rightful Heir to the Iron Throne and the Seven Kingdoms. After crossing the Narrow Sea and defeating the forces of Westeros, it is within my power and right to slay all of those who betrayed my family and denied me my rightful place for so many years. The most vile enemies of house Targaryen, House Stark and House Baratheon must pay the highest price. All of those who fought against the Mother of Dragons are slain – all except one.

When I come to Robb Stark, out eyes lock and something moves inside of me. I realize I need to have him, want him, and I can tell he is thinking the same. I order my guards to throw him in the dungeon and later that night, I have him brought to me, in the throne room. There, on the Iron Throne I’ve so recently won, I make wild and passionate love with him, repeatedly.

Please only respond to this post if you look like Robb Stark! I would appreciate pictures, but please, no names. In order to stay as true to the fantasy as possible, I ONLY want you to refer to yourself as Robb Stark. You will need to provide your own clothing. Please keep in mind that you will have recently participated in a battle and been thrown in a dungeon, so you will not be wearing your nicest furs.

I’m looking for a Stark in the streets but a wildling in the sheets.

Winter (and at least 2 other people) is coming.

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Paypal – The payment gateway of choice for Queen Ants


Google, for all its superior algorithms and targeting capabilities, sometimes just doesn’t work.

OR, there’s something going on between Paypal and Antdom that we’re not aware of.

Should we be afraid?

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Okay, this is so not helping my Omphalophobia


I have Omphalophobia. No, it’s not some disease where I lay awake at night, haunted by dancing oompa loompas around my bed. It’s however, an irrational but very real fear of belly buttons. To be more specific, the fear of other people (and to a certain extent, myself) touching my belly-button.

In a survey done on some 60 volunteers to see the types of microbial life living in their belly-buttons, they found on average, 67 different types of bacteria in each belly-button.

Help me.

Major Sinkholes in 2013


Sinkholes are appearing at an alarming rate around the world, and rapid urbanisation must take some of the blame for it.

Here are some notable instances just in 2013 alone.

Sinkhole swallows golfer in Illinois golf course, 12 March 2013

Golfer Mark Mihal was having a fine day with his golfing buddies, when the ground suddenly opened up under him on his 14th hole. He fell 18 feet deep into the hole, but thankfully survived. He was stranded for about 20 minutes before friends managed to pull him out with a rope.

He was extremely lucky, because to get out of this alive, because just a cuple of weeks earlier,

Sinkhole in Florida swallows man sleeping in bedroom, 28 Feb 2013


Jeff Bush, 36, was in his bedroom when the entire floor gave way, and swallowed his bed, along with himself into the ground. He managed to call for help, but his brother Jeremy, could do little to help.

The sinkhole quickly grew in depth of up to 100 ft.

Rescue efforts were hampered as the grounds were considered highly unstable. Jeff has been presumed dead since 3 March, and rescue efforts called off.

Sinkhole swallows security guard in ShenZhen, 27 March 2013


Dramatic video footage captured a giant sinkhole opening up and swallowing up a 25 year old Security Guard. He was eventually rescued, but succumbed to serious injuries sustained in the fall.

Giant sinkhole takes in entire buildings in GuangZhou, 29 Jan 2013

guangzhou sinkhole

A giant hole opened up in GuangZhou and swallowed 3 buildings. Amazingly, no casualties were announced.

Sinkhole along Keppel road tries to swallow a car, 30 Jan 2013

singapore sinkhole

Closer to home, a man-made sinkhole, created when a water-pipe burst, along Keppel road attempted to swallow a car. Earlier this month, another sinkhole appeared in Woodlands, where excavation works ruptured an underground water pipe, creating a massive sinkhole.

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How big is the internet?


We use it everyday. For knowledge. For social interactions. For work. For entertainment. Porn.

For a kid born in the 90s, it will be almost impossible for him or her to imagine life without the internet. We all know the internet’s huge. But just how big is it?

Here are some numbers (mostly from 2012):

Now go wrap your head around those for a while…

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