
like, what is legit anymore?

Do birds fart?


Sometimes, when I lay awake at night, unable to sleep, I start pondering over Life’s great mysteries.

Tonight, I asked myself… do birds fart?

I got lucky on 2 counts. First, someone actually thought of that too, and went one further in doing research on it. Second, the internet.

Seriously, how did anyone get any knowledge on such esoteric topics before the internet?

The short answer is No. Birds don’t carry the same gas-forming bacteria in their stomach as humans and mammals do to help digest food, so there’s nothing to let out.

There you go. One more weird factoid to charm the ladies.

image from copyranter

How to get rich, or queue trying


Singapore is slated to be the world’s richest country, with a forecasted GDP per capita of USD 137,710 by 2050.

It therefore seems counter-intuitive to see lots of people queuing up in the wee hours of the morning, for hours, just to get a free Mcdonald’s Egg McMuffin worth $3.25.

OR maybe this is exactly how Singaporeans build up their wealth. By constantly queuing for free stuff, and hoarding their entire salaries in their mattresses.

We queue for the chance to win big at TOTO, we queue to flip private properties to foreign talent, and now, we queue to not pay for food.


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Soon, we will start to download knowledge


Researchers have managed to create a neural link between the brains of 2 rats, allowing spontaneous transfer of knowledge between the 2 rats, even as they’re continents apart!

Here’s how the experiment went:

An “encoder” rat, in Brazil, was trained to do a specific behavioral task – push a lever in a cage, and earn a reward. A brain implant in this rat records the activity from the rat’s motor cortex, and transfers the signals via neural links to a second implanted rat, also known as the “decoder” rat. 

Now, this second rat was located in North Carolina, and had never been exposed to the lever pushing test. Despite that, once the second rat’s motor cortex processed the information from the neural link, the rat somehow accessed that information, and knew to push the lever.

This. Is. Mindblowing. Stuff.

Quite possibly the start to a technological singularity.

fringe observers

Uh… something went wrong during the neural transplant, boss.

Read more about the brain-to-brain interfacing at io9.

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Sean Bean dies in every movie


Sean Bean always dies

If there’s an art to dying onscreen, Sean Bean must have it covered. In fact, if you go to and type in Sean Bean, you can see the helpful suggestions above.

In fact, there’s a Sean Bean death reel.


So the next time Sean Bean is cast in a movie, well.. spoiler alert!

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Koh Poh Koon enthusiastically thanks his suppor.. wait a minute..


In his non-victory lap, Dr Koh Poh Koon pounds the streets of Punggol East to thank his supporters for not enough support.



No wonder..

Source: New Nation

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Embed quotes from Quora


I was exploring Quora, and one feature I really like about it, is its ability to easily embed a quote.

For instance, this was one of the answers I offered on the site, regarding bad movies.

Read Quote of Richard Tan’s answer to Movie Business: Why are so many bad films made? on Quora

With an easy highlight of a quote from Quora, you can readily embed it onto other sites, and it will pull that quote in, with a neat looking format surrounding it. Very similar to how you can embed tweets.


You can learn the how from here.


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Richard Lee McNair – Prison Escape Extraordinaire


We watch the TV series Prison Break and we think to ourselves “WHHHHAAAT. This will never happen in real life!”

It’s true. In real life, its much simpler.

Take Richard Lee McNair.

A convicted murderer in 1987 during a botched robbery, he would later escape from 3 different prisons at 3 different times, using 3 different tactics.

Escape #1

He used lip balm to grease his way out of handcuffs, and ran off.

Escape #2

Crawling out of a ventilation duct.

But this is where it got infinitely more interesting, bringing us to

Escape #3

In his third prison in Louisiana, his duties in prison included working in the mailroom, repairing torn, old mailbags. One day, while he was sorting through the mailbags, he very conveniently hid in one and buried himself within a pallet under some mailbags, and promptly mailed himself out of prison!

The pallet was shrink-wrapped and forklifted into a warehouse just outside the prison fence.

He was free!


Well, not quite. It was right next to the prison, and someone was bound to find out about him being missing sooner or later. So he had to get out of there pronto.

Hours after his escape, he was jogging along a railway track when he came upon Police Officer Carl Bordelon. He had no identification on him, and gave the officer 2 different names each time he was asked, the officer had a call about a missing convict, and yet he managed to convince the officer that he was merely jogging and was in town to help on a roofing project.

Its something we had to see to believe. Luckily for us, there IS video.

I don’t wanna say the officer is stupid (even though he is) because that just takes away all the credit from Richard Lee for being so calm and collected during the entire exchange.

Girl talk makes girls more depressed


Girls like to talk about their issues. Whether its with other girls, or actually, just anyone willing to listen probably.

But a study shows that girls who like to talk through their issues, actually have a higher propensity towards depression and stress.

A possible theory is that as they talk about their issues, the time spent focused on their problems increase, which makes the problem seem worse than they really are, or at the very least, consume a lot more of their time than it should.

This is especially true for problems they can’t control.

Amanda Rose, the associate professor who conducted the study, also suggested that they engage in other activities such as sports, to take their minds off the problem (See, guys have long since figured it out!)

So there, the next time your wife or girlfriend wants to confide in you, RUN, and make her chase after you.

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